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Hello readers,

I will be attending the 2nd annual Milton Mutt Strutt event this weekend, Sunday May 1st, 2011.  Look out for me as I will be visiting the exhibits, meeting doggies and their 2 legged parents.  I will also have my trusty camera and Zaira be coming along with me.  She loves meeting new friends, once she gets over her shyness :).  Come on out and support this event and get a quick picture with your dog which I will be featuring in my blog in the upcoming weeks!  It will be whole lot of FUN!

For more details and a pledge form visit: http://oakvillemiltonhumane.ca/index.php/upcomingevents.html#MMS

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June 5th, 2011 I will be involved in the Intact Insurance Furry Friends 5k run event and I will be bringing along with me some friends and their 4 legged kids! We alone can only make a small step in helping this important cause of helping the Humane Society of Durham Region with the cost of their rebuild, the pet community needs you!

This is a day you will not want to miss.

Run or walk along the Whitby waterfront trail with or without your furry friend to raise funds for the Humane Society of Durham Region.  To learn more about this cause please read more.  To register or to donate please visit www.furryfriends5k.ca

Two years ago, the shelter was destroyed by a tragic fire. Recently a new shelter has been built and is designed to be an inviting place of hope, love and life for both animals and people. There is enough space to house more animals in a physically and mentally healthy environment. There are indoor/outdoor dog runs, an off-leash play area for the dogs, communal cat living with access to a safe enclosed outside area for exercise and fresh air, facilities to meet the needs of many animals.

They are not a government organization and are not affiliated in any way with Animal Control. They receive no tax dollars or regular government funding. They rely solely on donations from the public and money raised through fundraising events and adoptions.

The Humane Society of Durham Region is a charitable community resource, dedicated to protecting and providing temporary shelter and comfort to all animals in need and promoting adoptions and re-homing for unwanted, abused, neglected and abandoned animals. They promote humane treatment of all living things and work within the law to respond to and investigate complaints of cruelty and neglect.

Many animals enter the shelter through the Investigations Department and their Agents are on the road constantly responding to calls about animals in distress. They need the help of the public to continue this important work.

The Humane Society of Durham Region is a registered charity and issues official tax receipts for donations. All donations are used solely for the animals in their care.

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I just found this video of Zaira when she was only 5 months old.  Oh my goodness she was so tiny, I can’t believe how fast she has grown.  I wish that the puppy stage was a little longer because it goes by so fast and its just so darn cute!!!!!

Remember to book your pet photography session when they are just little puppies, it goes by so fast.

Enjoy the video!  Awwwww! 🙂

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  • AmeliaApril 19, 2011 - 12:17 pm

    Such a cutie (and still is).
    I think Zaira is bigger at 5 months then Elvis is now at almost 2 years! I miss Elvis puppy too 🙂

The weekend of April 1st, Sandra, Zaira and I went to Irish Mountain Bed & Breakfast in Meaford, Ontario.  Meaford is a small town just near Blue Mountain.  We went there for our 2 year wedding anniversary for a fun weekend of relaxation and pampering.  The great thing about the bed & breakfast is they allow dogs, so of course we were excited to bring our little Zaira.  🙂  We also spent the day at the Scandinavian Baths – Spa and had a couples massage, yes it was WONDERFUL.  When Sandra, Zaira and I go out together, Zaira becomes the model for all of our pictures because she has not yet learned how to take a picture of Sandra and I together, LOL.  One day maybe, but just not yet, she is only 18 months old ;).

Below are some pictures I took of us during our weekend away.  Enjoy! 🙂

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