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orangeville dog photographer | Sykora and Steeler!

orangeville dog photographer | Sykora and Steeler, lovely ladies!

It isn’t often I call myself an orangeville dog photographer and I’m proud of it!  Representing so many city’s dogs in Ontario is an absolute pleasure!  I had the honour of photographing these two wonderful ladies this past week.  Sykora and Steeler from Orangeville stole my heart.  These two sweeties were super well trained and also so much fun!  Sykora is the bigger sister and she is 12 years old.  You would have never thought she was 12 though, she was agile and super fun.  She loved her Frisbee like there is no tomorrow.  For the real hockey friends, yes, Sykora is named after a former New Jersey Devil player.  Of course I knew the name right away, being a crazy hockey fanatic, but I’m more of Leaf fan!  Steeler is the little sis, a young 8 year old girl.  She loved me, but I think it was more my treats she loved, hehe.  Every dog is motivated by something different, and food was her thing.  For the football fans, yes, Steeler is named after the Pittsburgh Steelers.

I’m always extremely appreciative when clients choose me to photograph their furkids, and when they drive in from farther cities, I am really flattered and honoured.  Thank you for choosing me.  Enjoy a sneak peek of Sykora and Steeler doing their thang!

orangeville dog photographer-sykora and steeler

One of my favourite shots of the day!  Sykora and Steeler look so regal!

orangeville dog photographer-sykora and steeler

Hey, how you doin?  Sweet ladies.

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Look at Steeler go!  She was going as fast as she can, she wanted the liver dried treat I had in my hand.  You go girl!

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12 years old?  NOT!  Look at Sykora fly!

orangeville dog photographer-sykora and steelerorangeville dog photographer-sykora and steelerorangeville dog photographer-sykora and steeler

I can’t say it enough, “THEY ARE SO PRETTY!”

orangeville dog photographer-sykora and steelerorangeville dog photographer-sykora and steeler

If you are far or close, please consider hiring a professional dog photographer, like myself.  To have someone understand your dogs behaviours, wants and needs can go a long way in capturing their true personalities.  Get started, click here!

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